Foundations, Associations and Politics in Berlin

To all project managers, scientific employees, office administrators, PR agencies, marketing managers and colleagues, In Berlin, the range of occupations in the area of foundations, associations and politics is as varied as the focal points of the individual organisations. You can find Berlin and Brandenburg companies in the field of foundations, associations and politics in our overview!
With almost 1,000 foundations and around 1,500 associations, Berlin is Germany’s central hub for foundations, associations and government, providing numerous interesting employment opportunities. You can find these opportunities at the following institutions and organisations:
- Friends of the Earth Germany
- Association for European Sustainability and Eco-Management Professionals
- Heinrich Böll Foundation
- Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation
- Stadtmuseum Berlin Foundation
- German Historical Museum Foundation
- Federation of German Consumer Organisations
- Deutsche Kinemathek Foundation
- Stiftung Warentest (German consumer foundation for the unbiased investigation and comparison of goods and services)
- German Institute for International and Security Affairs
- The Federation of German Industries
- And many more!
These are just a few examples of the many interest groups that are based in Berlin. With practically all sectors represented from economics, politics, culture and the environment through to education and social affairs, the breadth and diversity of the foundations and associations located in Berlin is unique in Germany and thus offers an extraordinary range of potential employers.
Furthermore, most of Germany’s political parties are based in Berlin and almost every party has its own foundation. Examples of these include the Konrad Adenauer Foundation from the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation from DIE LINKE (The Left), which alone employs 200 Berlin residents. Other prominent institutes located in the heart of Berlin include the Allianz Kulturstiftung, which promotes artistic, cultural and educational projects in the spirit of European integration, and the human rights organisation Amnesty International. Begin your job search now! It will be worth your while.
Current jobs in the field of Foundations, Associations and Politics
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