
Working in Berlin: Salary

Arbeitsvertrag & Gehalt in Berlin

In Berlin, and Germany as a whole, a distinction is made between gross and net salary. Before you receive your salary at the end of the month, a certain amounts of money (called “salary deductions”) are deducted from your gross salary. These salary deductions include both income tax (advance income tax payments) and contributions for unemployment, health, pension, accident and long-term care insurance. They are deducted by your employer and then forwarded to the tax office. The remaining net income is then transferred directly to your bank account.


Read our detailed information on payroll taxes!

In our lead item “Salary deductions”, you can see how salary deductions are distributed between employees and employers. Read this item to find out more now!

You already live in Germany because of work, training or further education, because of a recognition procedure or because you are looking for a job and would like to find out more about your rights as an employee in Germany? Please check the FAQ of the IQ Network!

More about payroll taxes

Job security: Employment contract

If you conclude an employment contract with a Berlin employer, the conditions that you set in preliminary talks and negotiations with the prospective employer apply. An employment contract is almost always concluded in writing and should always contain the following items:

  • Name and address
  • Start date (beginning of the employment relationship)
  • End date (yes or no)
  • Trial period (duration of the trial period)
  • Location of the job
  • Job description
  • Remuneration (bonuses, premiums, regulations regarding taxes and fees)
  • Work hours (usually 5 days a week, 40 hours a week, eight hours a day, plus a one-hour lunch break)
  • Notice periods
  • Collective agreements and works agreements (special regulations, please check with the employer)
  • Vacation days (minimum statutory leave: 24 days)

If you feel unsure when checking your employment contract, you can consult a lawyer.