Registering for electricity and gas in Berlin

Immediately after moving into your new flat or house in Berlin, you should register for electricity and/or gas. Not every household in Berlin is supplied with gas, but many are. Please refer to your rental agreement to see whether your flat is connected to the gas supply.
In Berlin, you have a choice of several electricity and gas suppliers. If you have not yet decided upon a provider, your household will initially be supplied by Vattenfall (electricity) and Gasag (gas). This will guarantee your gas and electricity supply from the day you move in.
You will then have the opportunity to switch your electricity or gas provider in Berlin. There are several online comparison portals that will show you the electricity and gas prices for your household based on an individual calculation. These prices are dependent upon the size of your flat, your consumption, and your flat’s exact location (postcode). It can definitely be worth switching. Many providers pay a switching bonus that can amount to a few hundred euros.
When concluding a contract, please make sure that the notice periods are as short as possible. We also recommend advance monthly payments. Contracts can be concluded directly online. It is not normally necessary for you to terminate the contract with your old electricity and gas provider. Your new supplier will do this for you. However, please refer to your individual contract terms and conditions.
NB: When you move in, make a note of the exact reading on your electricity and/or gas meter!
Ask your new neighbours for advice! Often, they have already looked at electricity or gas comparisons and can provide good advice.