Learning German: Integration and language courses

After the first days at your new job, have you been hit by the ambition to learn German? Then it’s good thing you’re in Berlin. Berlin offers a wide range of learning opportunities. The basic rules of the German language are best learnt in an integration course.
Integration courses in Berlin
An integration course is a language and orientation course. The course covers everyday language usage, including communication for when you have to pay a visit to the local authorities as well as writing e-mails and letters. In addition, each course includes a “getting to know the city” aspect.
A general integration course consists of 660 teaching units, including 600 hours of lessons and 60 hours of orientation. The language courses are divided into six modules and by competence levels from A1 to B1. If you want to take an integration course, you can do so at the Volkshochschule, for instance. One module there costs about 150 euros.
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees provides information on integration courses, costs and participation, rights and obligations, as well as special types of courses. In addition, you will also find all information about integration courses, including the application for fee exemption.
Language courses in Berlin
In Berlin, there are several private language schools and institutions that offer a selection of day and evening classes. It is also possible to learn the language competence levels A1 to B1 here. Courses from level B1 are only provided at private schools. The advantage of a private language school is the smaller number of participants in the classes. Course prices and times depend on the provider.
If you don't have the opportunity to attend a German course in Berlin, take a look at one of the many online offers! This way you can conveniently learn German via app or web. Independent of place and time. For example, in the Open Deutsch online German course, you will learn everything important for your arrival process - topics such as finding an apartment or a job.
Tandem in Berlin
Alternatively, partner-based, intercultural learning is recommended – learning German in tandem. With tandem learning, two people with different native languages and a similar level of knowledge of the partner’s native language work together. In this case, one of the language partners should be German. The advantage of tandem learning is that you not only learn German, but find a direct connection in Berlin. In return, you teach your language partner your native language. To find the right tandem partner, contact a language institute or search the Internet.
BeuthBonus+ for immigrated academics
As an academic with a foreign university degree and a German language level of B2 or higher, you have the opportunity to participate in the part-time "BeuthBonus+" qualification program offered by the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin. Various courses in the form of individual and group coaching as well as workshops will prepare you for entry into highly qualified jobs in Berlin. An individual qualification plan will be created for each participant. The program supports you in acquiring further language or technical skills to increase your job opportunities. A residence in Berlin and a valid health insurance are among the requirements for participation. Take your chance!