My job in the Koch medical house (Berlin-Neukölln)
Mr. Reinecke (age 47), master craftsman in orthopedic footwear technology

What exactly is your job in the Koch medical house?
I am a master craftsman in orthopedic footwear technology and work in our store in Berlin-Neukölln. I grind, I mill, I brush, I bond, I measure, I analyze, I plaster... I make shoes by hand. I am specialized in heavy-duty orthopedics which means complex patient cases. In addition, I train young people in our company.
What do you find fascinating about your job?
Orthopedic footwear technician is the most versatile profession in the world. Traditional craftsmanship is combined with state-of-the-art technology. The modern analysis equipment, for example a 3D scanner, is impressive, yet at the end of the day, every shoe is being built. To me, it's important that tradition is not neglected and modernity is not overrated. There always has to be a balance. The link between tradition and modernity is fascinating. My creativity is challenged every day because every shoe is one of a kind. I am a true nerd. I love my job. When I get a task, I keep it in my mind when I get home and ponder it until I find a solution. The more complicated a problem is the more fun I have doing the job.
Why did you choose the Koch medical house, a company from Berlin?
I came to Berlin in 1993 and have worked as an orthopedic footwear technician in a managerial capacity. My wife was the reason why I moved here back then. In the meantime, I feel totally comfortable in Berlin. This city and working here is my personal mission. To me, Berlin has the best prospects in terms of advanced training. You often don't get the opportunities like this in small towns. And Koch? We just complement each other. I find working here is a give and take. Koch provides everything: know-how, equipment, employee support. We get the opportunity to control and decide many things with the support of the managing staff. I think this is very positive. The distances are short and unproblematic.