
Annamaria Olsson (age 30)

loves the variety of people in Berlin.

Portrait of Annamaria Olsson, Founder of Give something back to Berlin
© Talent Berlin
Where do you work?

I founded "Give Something Back To Berlin", a Berlin integration platform. We connect new international Berliners to a variety of local and social projects. This allows the newcomers to get to know the city better and the city can get to know the newcomers better. By promoting social cohesion, we create new, creative connections that enrich Berlin as a city.

Tell us more about it!

We are a sort of social start-up that is fully funded through donations and partnerships. It all started as a small project. We can't think in those terms any more. Demand is very high. We get many e-mails and requests every day, even from people who want to get involved. Unfortunately, we often don't have enough capacity for them. Almost all the people who work here are volunteers. So far, we have successfully integrated 500 people from 40 countries into 50 projects. It would be great if we could start even more projects and integrate more people into them. We are urgently looking for investors who would also like to give something back to the city, and we appreciate any donations.

Why Berlin?

I came here because I wanted to experience something new and have some fun. I needed a change. Berlin is cosmopolitan, cultural, interesting and varied – the perfect city for that. Also, my boyfriend and I love techno and house music. Berlin is and remains the capital for that kind of music. So it was an easy decision for both of us. This is where the largest electronic music scene in Europe is. 

Who or what helped you when you first arrived in Berlin?

Especially friends who were strict about speaking only German with me, although those conversations were undoubtedly initially incredibly boring. Also, my unstoppable curiosity and the German courses at the Volkshochschule education center. It brings together all kinds of people from all over the world. That's how I really got to know Berlin. I have fond memories of that time. 

What do you love about Berlin?

Berlin is constantly changing and is never boring. I love the people here. They're all so different. I really like that. I appreciate Berlin's diversity. Moreover, this city is cosmopolitan and has a fascinating history. 

If you could give a new Berlin resident a tip, what would it be?

Learn the German language quickly! Practice diligently, even if you don't want to stay here forever! It's worth it. Be curious, open-minded and leave your neighborhood to discover the city. Get involved in a club, a music group or an organization! That's where you'll find true friendships outside of your corporate structures. The Agora in Neukölln, for example, is a great place to meet people – it's a project space that promotes social ties.


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