My job at Europe GmbH
Kristin Kugler (31), Senior Marketing Manager

What do you do exactly in your company?
I am Senior Marketing Manager at Europe GmbH and responsible for various marketing channels, including affiliate marketing, TV commercials, outdoor advertising and remarketing. I’m in charge of the budget assigned to these channels and make sure that it’s spent wisely.
My remit is extremely broad and varied. Yesterday, for instance, I planned our next outdoor advertising campaign. The first step in this kind of planning is to discuss all the important facts with our provider, e.g. the period, the city and the advertising format. Then I check the offer and discuss it with my line manager. Finally I keep an eye on production and roll-out of the advertising campaign.
I also look after our TV commercials every month. This involves checking the latest statistics and analyses. How successful was the TV campaign? Where was it broadcast? On which channels? How many commercials were shown in total? How did we perform? I then use the monthly figures as a basis for planning our TV campaign in the coming month. To do this, I work closely with an external agency and our in-house team at
What do you find so fascinating about your profession?
My job remains extremely varied from day to day because I’m responsible for so many marketing channels – one day I might be working with a big billboard, the next day on a TV commercial, other times with classic banners, text ads or a video for Facebook Ads. It keeps things exciting. I feel very fortunate to have a job that allows me to make my own decisions and in which I bear a lot of responsibility. I have to stay on my toes.
Another thing I love about is that the company places a lot of stock in ideas. The people who work here enjoy tossing new ideas back and forth. Every single idea is discussed in the team, assessed and also often given a trial run. I’m deeply appreciative of this creative atmosphere – and of my fantastic colleagues as well.
Why did you decide to take this position with the Berlin company?
There was never a question of me wanting to leave the city. I was born here, and my family and friends live in Berlin as well. In a nutshell: It’s my home.
Why should I leave the city if I find everything here? Berlin has everything I need and could ever have imagined. The city is full of contrasts. I can enjoy the lights of the big city to my heart’s content – the center of Berlin is very lively – and at the same time I can find nature, peaceful places to escape the hurly-burly of urban life. Each borough is like its own little city. It only costs me a commuter rail ticket if I want to see something different. It’s wonderful, and integral to my life.
And embodies all these contrasts and the diversity as well. It’s a very lively company that is developing steadily. I’ve worked here for six years and have no intention of moving. I feel good working here and am proud of what we’ve achieved as a team.