Architecture & Construction in Berlin

The architecture and construction industry is extremely important for Berlin’s urban development. The sector’s structural architects, roofers, engineers and skilled workers are always in demand. Over 70,000 colleagues are already employed in this economic sector in Berlin. Together, they are involved in planning and constructing public and private buildings, as well as commercial properties. They are jointly responsible for the capital’s highly efficient infrastructure. You can find Berlin and Brandenburg companies in the field of architecture & construction in our overview!
Architectural job and study opportunities in Berlin
More than 26,000 Berlin residents work in the architecture sector. 12,000 of these are freelance architects and town planners; 12,500 work for one of the many architectural and engineering companies. The latter include WOLFF & Müller Holding GmbH & Co. KG, GOLDBECK GmbH and STRABAG SE – all firms among the top five employers in Germany’s architectural sector. In addition, there are 1,240 state architects and town planners. This means that Berlin has a higher number of government employees in this sector than other federal states.
Berlin is of particular interest to young architects. They make up almost 30 percent of the total workforce. Reasons for this could firstly be the above-average growth in this sector, followed by the excellent training opportunities on offer in the capital. You can study architecture here at five universities and colleges, also at the leading institution TU Berlin.
Working and studying in Berlin’s construction industry
Berlin’s construction industry is benefitting from the boom in the capital, not only constantly employing more staff, but also generating more than a quarter of the manufacturing industry’s total revenue.
Similarly to other economic sectors, the construction industry has also felt the impact of demographic change. 50 percent of all Berlin’s companies within this sector are currently unable to fill vacancies. This increases your chances when seeking employment. Commercial and technical staff, civil engineers, tradespeople, etc. are required, making this economic sector attractive for the next generation of skilled workers. Take this opportunity and begin your job search now in Berlin’s construction industry! It will be worth your while.
Did you know? You can complete more than 50 apprenticeships and study engineering with a wide range of specialisms at 36 colleges, universities, vocational schools and training centres.
More about construction industry jobs in Berlin
Universities & colleges offering architecture & construction courses
- Studying at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin: architecture
- Studying at the University of Applied Sciences: architecture
- Studying architecture at TU Berlin
- Studying architecture at Berlin University of the Arts
- Studying civil engineering at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
- HWR Berlin: Civil Engineering course
- TU Berlin: Civil Engineering course
- HTW Berlin: BSc in Civil Engineering (German only)
- Dual Study at the FU Berlin: Civil Engineering (German only)