Hotels, Gastronomy & Tourism in Berlin

Dear hotel specialists, catering specialists, receptionists, service staff, cooks and colleagues – the hotel, gastronomy and tourism sector in Berlin is made up of a wide variety of professions.
Work in the field of tourism and hotels in Berlin
The hospitality industry in Berlin alone employs more than 80,000 people. They all benefit from the tourism boom in the capital. Berlin is the number one travel destination in Germany. The capital lies in third place when compared to its international peers. More than 14 million visitors spend more than 34 million nights a year in Berlin's hotels, guesthouses, youth hostels and holiday apartments and homes – all of which are establishments where you can go job hunting.
However, the strong tourism in the capital also generates jobs for bus drivers, taxi drivers or city guides. For city and tourist guides, native speakers are generally used – a fantastic job opportunity for newcomers from other countries. Other potential employers include Berlin's sights and museums, which are open every day for tourists in the city.
But also vice versa, Berlin tourism works very well, because Berliners are very fond of travelling. Approximately 1,500 travel agencies and 500 tour operators take Berliners on holiday every year. On top of this comes the online travel industry, which is also right at home here. The booking portal, for example, ranks among the largest employers in the capital and, just like Egencia (business travel experts), provides great jobs for travel agents, among others.
You can find more Berlin and Brandenburg companies in the field of hotels, gastronomy & tourism in our overview!
Work in the field of Gastronomy in Berlin
There are already over 65,000 colleagues working in Berlin's gastronomy and tourism sectors. The capital city hosts 1,500 conferences, congresses, meetings and other events every single day. Qualified service and kitchen personnel are always sought after in this area. From upscale dining to fast food restaurants and Berlin's canteens – the city offers a wide variety of jobs for qualified catering personnel.
Studies in the field of Hotels, Gastronomy and Tourism in Berlin
Berlin not only attracts tourists, but also students. Eight Berlin universities offer various study programs in the field of hotel and event management. Whether full-time, dual, study alongside work or practice-integrated – everybody is sure to find the right form of study.