
Art & Culture in Berlin

Dear musicians, dancers, artist managers, performance artists, actors, singers and colleagues – the art and culture sector in Berlin covers a wide range of professional fields.

Berlin has been considered the capital of art and culture since the 1920s. With three opera houses, 56 theatres, more than 600 galleries and 166 museums, the culture sector not only offers creative minds career opportunities, but also jobs for commercial personnel, lawyers, HR managers and more.

The off-scene with its many open stages for cabaret and readings as well as the commercial and non-commercial, temporary music, dance and art productions are important starting points for your job search within this industry.

Music has left a lasting mark on Berlin’s culture. The Berlin techno scene in particular, which emerged in the early 90s, continues to dominate the vibe of the city and still attracts rave tourists from all over Europe to Berlin every weekend. 

There are, however, many other companies active in the music industry beyond the club scene. Whether music retailers, music production or artist management – small businesses as well as large market leaders, such as the two major labels Sony Music and Universal Music, have set up their German headquarters in Berlin. You can find more Berlin and Brandenburg companies in the field of arts & culture in our overview!

Studying art and culture in Berlin

Those wishing to move to Berlin for their studies have access to a wide range of study programs in the arts and cultural sector. Many colleges and universities offer bachelor's and master's degrees covering a variety of subject areas. These include the fine arts, sound engineering or management of creative industries.


Spielbank Berlin
GCM Go City Media GmbH
HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Goodlive AG
GVI (Gold Venture Investment)
RAW Kultur L e.G.
Deps Finance Limited UK
Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre gGmbH Berlin
Tourism Group Berlin / BCT Berlin City Tour GmbH
Breakletics GmbH
ALEX Berlin
»XR_Unites« an der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre gGmbH Berlin
Native Instruments GmbH
Schinkel Pavillon e.V.
and dos Santos GmbH
JuwelKerze JewelCandle GmbH
Architonic Service GmbH
Startnext Crowdfunding GmbH
Hebbel-Theater Berlin GmbH
Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland des Internationalen Theaterinstituts e.V.
MOD Devices GmbH
WildKat PR
Wilde Möhre GmbH
HAU Hebbel am Ufer
Bund der Szenografen e.v.
Tigebytes GmbH
BIMM Institute Berlin
Perrett Laver
Jobwrk GmbH
Musikfonds e.V.
Zentrum Bundesrepublik Deutschland des Internationalen Theaterinstituts e.V.
Curve Labs
Volucap GmbH
Stiftung Humboldt Forum
Atlas Relief and Development International - ARDI e.V.
Deutscher Chorverband e.V.
Bund der Szenografen e.v.
Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
The Ranch
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
YES AND productions GmbH Co KG
Bund der Szenografen e.v.
After NetWork
Graduiertenschule UdK Berlin
Rundfunk Orchester und Chöre gGmbH Berlin
Perrett Laver
Relaxound GmbH
Virtual Reality Berlin-Brandenburg
buero doering - Fachhandel für Ereignisse
JuwelKerze JewelCandle GmbH
Textkreation Berlin
Freunde der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtnis-Kirche e. V.
Deps Finance Limited UK
Perrett Laver
CROSSTEC design solution GmbH
TSE AG · Technik und Service für Events AG
KBB - Kulturveranstaltungen des Bundes in Berlin GmbH
Deutscher Chorverband e.V.
Bundesvereinigung Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung e.V.
Kooperative Berlin Medienproduktion GmbH
Playsnak GmbH
Phenomen Berlin
Budde Music Publishing GmbH
Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
Kulturvolk | Freie Volksbühne Berlin e. V.
PS Music Berlin GmbH
Foundry Berlin GmbH
Bund der Szenografen e.v.
Filmwelt Verleihagentur GmbH
Kulturkreis der deutschen Wirtschaft im BDI e.V.
ArtMasters GmbH
Mandarie Kunstschule
Verbund Offener Werkstätten e.V.
Konzerthaus Berlin
VKP engineering GmbH
WHITEvoid GmbH
Piranha Arts AG
Sprachenatelier Berlin,  institut für sprachen, kunst und kultur
LevelUp English
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW Berlin)