Healthcare in Berlin
There are a wide range of careers in Berlin's healthcare sector. In Berlin there is a constant demand for qualified employees on all career levels, whether in public health, digital health, therapeutic professions, nursing professions, human and veterinary medicine or other fields.
Today, around 410,000 people are already employed in the capital's healthcare industry - the vast majority of them in healthcare facilities. With more than 3.8 million inhabitants, Berlin is the largest city in Germany. The average age is 42.7 years. Qualified employees are therefore in demand in all branches of the industry.
Berlin currently has over 22,000 companies in the healthcare sector - including 151 clinics, 1,000 inpatient care facilities and 1,400 nursing and care services. More than 10,000 outpatient doctors attend to the health of those living in the region. There is also a growing number of young, innovative start-ups and companies in the healthcare sector. You can find Berlin and Brandenburg companies in the field of healthcare in our overview!
Berlin is also the right place to be if you want to do research in the context of healthcare. One good example is the Berlin Charité, Europe's largest university hospital. Here, some 5,600 people from the field of science and the medical profession carry out research in more than 1,000 projects, working groups and collaborations. Their combined results advance trendsetting developments in the field of medicine. The Charité also cooperates closely with Vivantes, Germany's largest municipal hospital operator, and BG-Klinikum Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin.
Jobs are also available in Berlin’s administration. Here, doctors, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, facility directors and other qualified employees are needed for the public health service or the police medical service.
Degree courses and training opportunities in Berlin
Berlin's universities and colleges offer more than 100 degree courses in the healthcare sector; there are also a wide range of training opportunities. The Charité alone prepares more than 9,000 students for a career in medical research, patient-centred care or healthcare science. BBG Berliner Bildungscampus für Gesundheitsberufe gGmbH, a Vivantes and Charité company, is also Germany's largest educational institution for nursing, therapy and healthcare professions. The Atlas Studium Berlin Brandenburg and the Ausbildungsatlas Berlin-Brandenburg both provide a detailed overview of all degree courses and training programmes on offer in the capital.
Our tip:
From 2023, the IB-Hochschule für Gesundheit und Soziales will be offering the part-time degree courses Digital Health Bachelor and Digital Health Master. The degree courses impart applied knowledge on the latest technologies and AI in the healthcare sector and are particularly suitable for employees from medical professions.